"So tell me, what is it that you plan to do/ with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

you know you have fibromyalgia when...

 This list comes courtesy of the Fibromyalgia Network. I was thrilled to find this--it totally captures most of my days lately!!! If you have fibro too, see if you can relate!! (It also explains why I have so sorely neglected you, my poor little blog...)

 You Know You Have Fibro When...
  • your 80-year-old mother phones to tell you she has already done her shopping, washing, daily emails, and been to the post office, but you're still trying to get washed and dressed!
  • you get lost in your own house (and it's only a small three-bed semi).
  • you wake up in the middle of the might and grab a Hershey's kiss on the way back from the bathroom and wake up with chocolate all over the pillow... more than once.
  • you ask your son if his brother is out of the dishwasher yet! (Meant to say shower.)
  • you’re making peanut butter cookies and just put the jar of peanut butter in the oven to bake.
  • you use hair spray on your armpits and spray deodorant in your hair.
  • you stop at a stop sign and wait for it to turn green.
  • you find the Christmas presents you hid two years ago.
  • you go get something from the fridge, leave your phone in the fridge and try to answer the ice cream pop when you hear something ring.
  • you take the cordless phone and point it at the TV, and are so frustrated you cannot get your afternoon soap.
  • you sit politely waiting at the pharmacy but they've already given you your purchases and have gone back to their other jobs.

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