"So tell me, what is it that you plan to do/ with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

Sunday, May 20, 2012

the little things

Yes, I'm changing my title again, for the third time. So far it has gone from "redhead report" to "gifts in the rubble" to, as of today, "the little things."I am only 5'1" after all.

I decided to change the name because the title "gifts in the rubble" was, supposedly anyway, more about the grace we find when we are going through "the dark night of the soul." (And that phrase comes from John of the Cross. I must have Carmelite mystics on the brain.) I have been there many, too many, times throughout my life, for various reasons. I don't want to ignore that, but I want to emphasize that grace is everywhere, that we are surrounded by God's grace and presence at all times and all places.

I have neglected my poor blog terribly over the last couple of years. Part of it was because I was experiencing chronic migraines--I've had to take two medical leaves from grad school--which have finally been cured, by Botox injections, as of the end of March!! I still have fibromyalgia, etc., to deal with, but the fibro I can cope with. Migraines just sent me straight to a dark room, literally and figuratively.

But I realized the other day that I haven't even mentioned one of the most important and exciting events in my life: I met my birthmom! (Okay, so this is NOT a little thing, although she is!) And I totally love her; she is such a sweetheart. Warm, kind, generous, intelligent, and of course, five feet tall. And she's a lot of fun, too. And I've even met my birthfather's family, and now I know where I get my red hair and skin that refuses to tan, ever. I'll write more about this next time, but I'll lever you with a couple of pictures of the two of us until next time.

Mom (Judy) and me, Xmas 2010

The two of us right after we met, in August 2010,
 One comment, though, before I go. My love for her does not any way change the love I still have for my adopted mom and dad. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of them, and miss them. It was my mom (Millie) who told me that hearts are infinitely expandable. As usual, mom, you were right!


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Love this, Barbara! Thanks for sharing. You are both beautiful. :)

Barbara Marincel said...

Thanks Roxane! She is a darling--and I'm actually taller than she is!!!