"So tell me, what is it that you plan to do/ with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

the please and thank you prayer

Three years ago today my friends Emilie and Steve were married at St. Luke's Catholic Church in St. Paul, MN. Happy Anniversary guys!!!! I met Emilie and Steve through a mutual friend--Steve's brother Bruce, in fact--the same day I met my husband. Little did I know that day that less than two years later we'd all wind up married!
Their wedding was absolutely beautiful (how could it not be, with Emilie as the bride?) and I felt very honored when they asked me to read. (My reading was from the Song of Songs; luckily for me, not the one about the leaping gazelle, so I was able to keep a straight face.) What I remember most clearly, however, is the "please and thank you prayer" for married couples Fr. O'Connell recommended during his homily. Take a quiet moment together and light a candle. Each person in turn asks God for an intention, then each mentions one thing for which they are grateful. That's it; very simple (which, of course, is the beauty of it). Praying together does a lot to bring couples closer to each other and to God, and the two elements of the prayer remind us what really matters in our lives together.
Now, if I could just get George to do it with me...


This is Steve and Emilie with George and me last New Year's Eve:

1 comment:

Emilie said...

Hi Barb, and thanks for the anniversary wishes! We still do the please-and-thank-you prayer every so often, but not every night, and we never light a candle. (That would probably burn the bedsheets.) :) We usually don't stop at one intention, either — we rattle off as many as we have on our minds. It's good therapy, in a way; and for me, it really helps me hear what's on Steve's mind. So ... I hope you and George are able to do it every once in a while, too!