"So tell me, what is it that you plan to do/ with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

Friday, September 22, 2006

things i am brooding about today

1. How much I've missed in the lives of all of my bloggy friends since I was last online.

2. The amazing number of wrinkles around my eyes that have appeared since I turned 38 on Wednesday.

3. Why on earth the class of 1986 reunion committee thinks I would be willing to shell out $55/person to attend my 20th reunion next month--at Rock Bottom Brewery?! $110 for the evening (assuming I brought my husband, which of course I would) to go to a boring restaurant with mediocre food?

4. How there is is no way in hell I will be attending said reunion.

5. That it's sort of a relief not to go since I don't have any children or accomplishments to brag about anyway.

6. How much I wish that, having now reached almost forty years of age, that I desperately wish I had either children or accomplishments, preferably both (but especially children, or a child).

7. That at least I have a very sweet husband.

8. And Fiona.

9. That the atrocious weather we've been having for the last two weeks is really, really making my fibromyalgia flare up.

10. And my arthritis/migraines/chronic fatigue/allergies/asthma.

11. That last week I had flashbacks, and nightmares complete with soaking night sweats, almost every night. And again last night. Flashbacks+nightmares=increased depression.

12. That I am glad news gave George the evening off after all, although we could use the overtime pay (but then he's got 15 hours of overtime for this pay period already).

13. How incredibly grateful I am that --HALLELUJAH!!!!!--my mother-in-law is moving back up north nexth month.

14. How sad it is that my cousin Dave died of esophogeal cancer this morning. And that life is too short to brood so much.
Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.


Emilie said...

Barb, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. :(

I missed my 20-year reunion, too, because I was too pregnant to fly to Portland for it. I would have liked to go, though - just to see people. According to my friends, all the guys have become fat and bald! (OK, not ALL, but many.)

EDH said...

I'm very sorry about your cousin, Barb.

LutherLiz said...


I'm sorry that a lot hasn't gone right lately and to hear about your cousin. I hope things start improving soon.

Email me and we'll do coffee!